Universality of Marketing

Every person in this world does something to generate value, be it a farmer, doctor or a businessman. We are practically sustaining on this very order. In our world where economics is sometimes referred to as the perfect science, value generation should be the top most agenda for any society.

The mismatch begins when one society understands the importance of embellishing and packaging these values and goes forward with this effort while the other does not. Essentially, due attention in the former case is given right from the individual level to the organizational and national level, which makes the offering more utility laden and pleasing to the end consumer. This is a simple case for a deep grained respect for marketing in the entire class of people which not only increases & creates value but evolves the society as a whole. When this happens, the ball sets to roll and the zeal to innovate and bring newer & better things is sparked.

Somewhat opposite is true in the case of the other society. The society B surely does many things but its value is not accentuated and bolstered up further. This makes the society A more attractive as well. Moreover, many people shifting from society B to A do better, simply because their value contribution is marketed well.

This marketing on large scale creates jobs for people required to rev up the value chain apart from the breath wise increment in the job pool.

On a broad scale we can see the examples of such societies in our world as well. We can surely understand that it should be our prerogative to understand the importance of universality of marketing and people should imbibe and follow this, across all levels.

It is necessary to state here that the value addition should be based on real terms and clean intentions. Treading the wrong path would not only be unethical but unsustainable.

All in all, everyone is a marketer doing something which brings value.  Considering the world we live in with a 7 billion + population, it is absolutely necessary to increase and sustain an economic foundation giving livelihood and quality life to all. Here we must pay respect to those people who found a great value proposition and aligned people to build this up by using their faculties, who would have otherwise waited in the skill market to get somewhere.